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  • Why Big Business Should Work With Us
    Throughout the past decade, the world of business has seen a dramatic shift in the way corporations tackle certain key challenges. From Ocado’s waste management strategy – something that has seen the retailer’s food wastage levels fall below 0.02% – to Bridgestone’s pledge to recycle one tyre for each tyre sold, it’s great to see […]
  • We Grow People
    Seagulls is a unique place to work. We pick people up and support them in playing a positive role within the community whilst providing tangible benefits to the environment. People are the heart and sole of Seagulls. This blog reflects on the work we do and the people we work with. Seagulls was established and […]
  • The World can always benefit from more colour
    Blog Post by Journalist Lauren Entwistle Sometimes the world can do with a bit more colour – which is exactly what Seagulls Reuse has been doing for the past seventeen years. Developed by Cat and Kate around the latter’s kitchen table back in 2001, the enterprise collects and reuses paint that would otherwise go straight […]
  • Be grateful: Messages of Hope
    In spring 2016 we were successful in securing funding from our local Councillors to undertake a large scale community art installation on a falling down wall in the heart of Kirkstall, by the Drink and Be Grateful fountain. Several of our regular ‘mosaicers’ who live in the area worked on the design, mosaic and helped […]
  • Beauty from the Flood
    An exhibition of our flood art and accidental art It was not the best start to 2016 but from every disaster springs new opportunities. The flood came at a time when we were becoming better at documenting our enterprise and had been posting images on Instagram of accidental art under the #accidentalart. The flood gave […]
  • The Boxing Day Floods
    A crazy end for 2015 and a tough beginning to 2016! The Boxing Day floods took us all be surprise. One minute I was driving home and the next I was on a rescue mission to save our van. The water rose quickly and unluckily for us our mill yard backs directly onto the river. […]
  • The Gallery
    Our new venture Out of the flood a new and exciting venture emerged for Seagulls. We have been lucky enough to take on an extra building and have been busily developing our latest expansion: The Gallery, an exhibtion and workshop space for community and artists to use. Over the last 5 months we have been […]
  • Bigger, older and still very painty
    Bigger Paint store - Visitors to Aire Place Mills will have noticed that we have now got a new extension / expansion into some much needed extra space.
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