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Why Big Business Should Work With Us

Throughout the past decade, the world of business has seen a dramatic shift in the way corporations tackle certain key challenges.

From Ocado’s waste management strategy – something that has seen the retailer’s food wastage levels fall below 0.02% – to Bridgestone’s pledge to recycle one tyre for each tyre sold, it’s great to see so many large corporations taking positive action in a bid to improve the planet for good.

 Here at Seagulls Reuse we endorse the actions of these companies wholeheartedly but appreciate that there may still be some way to go, especially in the UK.

 For every corporation going out of its way to build a better brighter future, there remains a considerable number that refuse to change. For us this represents one of our greatest challenges as a company – encouraging more and more corporations to adopt a new way of thinking, to help secure a better world for future generations.

 Whether you work at a large corporation or even a small local business, making a small change can often have a lasting impact. That’s why we’ve created this short blog, detailing just a number of reasons why we believe working with Seagulls Reuse can help to improve not just your business’ image, but the impact it has on the planet as a whole.

We Grow People

Before we talk about money and how using recycled paint can help to increase profits, we first need to discuss the most prized asset of all – our people.

Here at Seagulls Reuse we grow people, helping to transform the lives of those affected by poverty, mental health issues and other barriers to employment through good, old-fashioned graft.

Working with volunteers, we work hard to ensure that those with even the most challenging of CVs have a platform on which they can build their future. We restore people’s confidence, pride and self-worth, which in turn helps to transform their career prospects moving forward.

By working with us, you’ll be enabling us to take on even more volunteers. Not only will this help to improve the lives of those we work with, but the communities they rely on too.

As our reputation grows, we want people to grow with us too – and that includes you.

Use Seagulls, save money

We get it, money talks. Which is precisely why corporations love working with us!

At Seagulls Reuse we supply 170 tonnes of recycled and collected paint each and every year – all of which is sold at a fraction of the cost compared to other, traditional paint shops. For corporations, this is great news – especially if you happen to work in the manufacturing trade, construction or even retail.

Whether you’re decorating your office block or developing a new housing estate, if you need paint at a discounted rate, contact Seagulls Reuse today and help to increase those all-important profit margins.

Take responsibility

Rising sea levels. Turbulent weather conditions. Famine and poverty. Since the industrial revolution, the impact that big business has had on the environment has been truly devastating – which is perhaps why so many corporations across the globe are now starting to take responsibility when it comes to looking after the planet.

By working with Seagulls Reuse, following in the footsteps of Ocado and Bridgestone has never been easier. Not only will working with us help to reduce the amount of paint that’s currently wasted throughout the industry, it will also help to reduce the crippling levels of CO2 it takes to manufacture it too.

In turn we believe that this will help our global community turn the tide of global warming, enabling us to create a better world for future generations, as well as the businesses destined to operate within it.

Our mission

Seagulls is an environmental social enterprise. We run our business with the 3 P’s in mind: Planet, People, Profit. We love the environment and will go out of our way to protect it. That’s why we started creating these blogs in the first place, and why we won’t stop until we start to see clear signs of the positive change we’re constantly campaigning for.

By sharing this article you’ll be helping to share our company’s ethos with the UK’s most influential CEOs – encouraging them to choose a responsible supplier for their company in the future.

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