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Things are heating up in our Workshops

We have some great courses and workshops now listed on Eventbrite.

Whether you’re keen to learn how to decorate, work with metal or learn to Mosaic we have a range of short workshops and longer courses listed throughout July, August and September. Even with the lifting of restrictions we have decided to keep our workshop/ course sizes small for covid safety.

Why not try your hand at Coppersmithing; either book onto a taster session or delve straight into our 2-day course. We had some great feedback from when we ran the course last month:

‘I enjoyed creating something from initial conception/ idea to final product’

‘I loved the freedom to make my own design’

Decorating Courses

We have taken the feedback from our decorating courses and have adapted the workshops, and we’re offering the following:

  • Beginners guide to painting & decorating
  • Cutting in Masterclass
  • Ceilings and Walls; an in-depth masterclass

And will soon be listing specific doors and woodwork courses and tips and tricks.

Mosaic courses are now listed up until November

We are yet to find a way to make children’s mosaic courses cost-effective, watch this space!

Other courses

Keep checking our social media as new courses are being added all the time. We are hoping to list a range of print workshops from August but in the meantime, we sell lino kits so you can get creative at home.

Lino Kits
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